I've worn a biking helmet for what seems like forever - actually since the days of the original Bell Biker - and I plan to continue that habit. Today's helmets are light-weight, have plenty of air vents, and are comfortable to wear. Funny though, when I went to see my primary care doc to make sure that she was up-to-speed on my not so great condition in case I needed her help with anything, she thought I should get a motorcycle helmet. Somehow I don't think that would be too comfortable, and it would certainly be hot. Me? I'm sticking with a bicycle helmet, and in case anyone has any doubts, I'll be buying a new helmet before I get on my bike again!
To all of my fellow cyclists - if you're currently riding and not wearing a helmet - please, please, please join the helmet-wearing crowd. It may just save your life someday as it just saved mine.

OK, so there's a bit of blood on my helmet... if you look to the right of the Giro logo and just above the strap, you can actually see a dent on the outside helmet material.

Apparently this is the side of my helmet and head that hit the ground. It amazes me that the helmet is still pretty much in one piece - but it does have some pretty severe cracks in the underlying material.

Another view of the through and through cracks - this time looking up at the helmet from the bottom.